The outline, describing the dismantling and removal processes at the reactor, says that Chugoku Electric Power will complete the decommissioning by FY45 (ending March 31, 2046). Prior to filing an application with Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) for approval of the plan, the power company had given an explanation about it to the hosting municipality, Matsue City, asking that municipality for its consent.

In a visit to the office of Matsue Mayor Masataka Matsuura, Chugoku Electric Power President Mareshige Shimizu explained that the decommissioning would be carried out over 30 years, beginning in the current fiscal year. Until FY29 (ending March 31, 2030), the power company plans to prepare for dismantling work, and will also dismantle and remove peripheral reactor equipment.

The power company will launch the dismantling of the reactor itself in FY30 (ending March 31, 2031). The spent nuclear fuel assemblies are to be removed from the premises before the reactor is dismantled.

Having already requested removal of the spent fuel assemblies early on, Mayor Matsuura said, “The plan says that they will be removed at a relatively early stage, and I greatly appreciate that. I expect that the company will implement the plan steadily.”

Shimane-1 has been operated for more than 40 years. Originally, Chugoku Electric Power, Matsue City and Shimane Prefecture concluded a safety agreement on operation of NPPs and decommissioning, requiring preliminary consents of the prefecture and local municipalities before filing decommissioning applications.

In the afternoon of April 28, the power company also asked Tottori City and other adjacent cities for their preliminary consents as well.