Having begun commercial operation in 1974, Takahama-1 is the longest-operating reactor in Japan. With the NRA’s approval this time, it will become, on November 14, the country’s first reactor to be operated for more than 50 years.

Takahama-1 has already obtained approval under the current system to operate for up to 60 years. However, when a reactor reaches 30 years of operation, the operator is required to formulate a long-term policy on maintenance and management, taking into account the deterioration of important safety-related equipment and structures, and to obtain approval every decade thereafter.

Additionally, with a new bundle of legislation to come into effect in June 2025—known collectively as the GX Decarbonization Power Supply Law, including a revised Law for the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors (the so-called Reactor Regulation Law)—allowing NPPs to operate beyond 60 years, Kansai EP will have to obtain another approval, under the new system, to operate the Takahama-1 for up to 60 years.